Tuesday, 28 December 2010

Let You Be The Light Unto Yourself

BhagavadGita, Dhyana Yoga, 6.5 


Aatmaiva hyaatmano bandhur
aatmaiva ripuraatmanaha ||


Raise yourself by yourself
do not defeat yourself by yourself |
It is the Self that gives respect to the Self —
and it is the Self that deceives the Self || —


When you raise yourself, yourself is the greatest friend of yourself;
and, when you deceive yourself, yourself is the greatest enemy of  yourself.

You can raise yourself by yourself - so you can by your greatest friend.
Don't expect anybody else, somebody else to come and raise you, and put you back into the enlightened lifestyle. It is you, only you, can raise yourself by yourself. Only you HAVE to raise yourself by yourself. Don't let yourself down by yourself. You have to put yourself in the enlightened lifestyle and you have to - live. Don't let yourself down by yourself.

Atma. Yourself is your friend. Yourself is your enemy. 
It is you who need to decide whether to raise yourself, or let yourself down.

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